Thursday, April 30, 2015

Stephanie Joy Field and Oyster find a Place Beyond the Pines

Stephanie Joy Field gleams among the leaves in 'Shady Pines' for Oyster Mag online.

Noam Frost goes Voodoo for Oyster Mag

The enchanting Noam Frost works her dark magic in 'Voodoo' for Oyster Mag online.

Photography: Jo Duck
Fashion: Elle Packham
Hair and Make-up: Jaclyn Hnitko

Bridget Hollitt for All My Friends Are Models

Model/ singer/ actor Bridget Hollitt sat down with Justice Jones to talk study tips, honing the modelling craft, liaising with world leaders and much more. See below for the full interview via All My Friends are Models
Photographer: Sonny Vandevelde

How did you first get into the world of modelling?
I was a finalist in the Girlfriend model search in 2010 and landed a contract with Chic.

Amazing, There are definitely some stunners coming out of Chic.
What is your ethnicity?
Half Chinese/Half Aussie

No wonder you are so beautiful.
Who is your style inspo?
I get inspiration from heaps of different sources….My friend Sam is a fashion queen because she dresses perfectly to suit her appearance and personality, so I think she’s pretty cool. I don’t really have a fashion icon per se, because I think style should be different for every person.

Describe your fashion style in 3 words.
Eclectic, Variable, Youthful.

What’s your favourite item in your wardrobe?
My Nike ‘Roshe’ runs. They are so comforting, especially after a long week in uncomfortable heels.

Comfort – I like the way you think.
The coolest jobs I’ve done so far are . . . 
I just shot the new Sportsgirl campaign last week, which is exciting. I shot a Forever New Campaign, Mecca Cosmetics, I walked in the David Jones A/W launch this year and I’m currently at the airport about to head down to Melbourne for VAMFF!

Ok, so they are REALLY cool jobs! So exciting.
Who is your favourite designer and why?
Right now I’m loving Toni Maticevski. He’s toeing the line between sharp structure and sweet, girly elegance.

Maticevski is the greatest. One of my favourite staples of his current collection is the ‘Hazzard Overcoat’ – the black mesh, perfect in SO many ways.
Do you get to travel much with work?
Haven’t gotten to travel yet, but really want to! I’ve never been to London, but I’ve always dreamed of going there.

London is such a fashion hub, you will love it.
Image by: Ana Suntay-Tañedo
Bridgett, you are officially the epitome of brains and beauty – congratulations on achieving dux!

How did you juggle school and modelling?
Thank you!! To be honest, I didn’t really… school for me was an opportunity to explore drama and music whilst setting a foundation for my future. So that was my big juggle in high school. Since a lot of work was up in Sydney and I was living in Melbourne, I knew it would be difficult going to castings and jobs while trying to coordinate everything I had going on in Melbourne. I communicated the importance of school to my agency and they were so amazingly understanding. I did a few jobs here and there throughout my final years of school and dealt with any classes I missed by being proactive, emailing teachers to find out what I’d missed, all to get ahead when I knew I would be losing homework time in the near future. Now I’m taking a bit of time before uni to really focus my energy on modelling.

Well, it all paid off. You’re killing the modelling world right now and you nailed your final year of school.
Do you have any study tips to pass on to current HSC students?
Never compare yourself to others. Learn how you learn and stick to that.

Just revel in the discipline and structure it gives you, and enjoy feeling like you’re working   towards achieving your full potential

Grasp all opportunities offered to you, and be busy.
Ask questions, and learn concepts in more detail than you need to know.

Choose subjects you are passionate about, but gain info from lots of different sources including other text books, people who have done well in the past, other students. Don’t only rely on your teachers.

So, is uni something you have thought about or is modelling number one in your life right now?
I definitely want to study at uni. As well as having a back up plan, I really want to have a career in something other than entertainment/fashion at some point in my life. There are so many things that interest me and I only have a limited time to cram it all in! So I’m currently planning on studying arts and law at Melbourne university next year, and I’m really excited because as dorky as this is, I miss learning!!

That makes sense, if you are as talented as you are, why limit yourself to one industry and profession?
In your opinion, is modelling a talent you are born with or like any craft, something you have to practice and learn?
The last 2 months have taught me that it is definitely a craft you work at. Particular physical attributes will help you in modelling but more and more every day people are challenging these ‘rules’ and proving that success in modelling can be just as much about hard work, or having something ‘special’, as it is about height and measurements. I think the most magnetic and engaging models are the ones with palpable confidence, spirit and determination. I think the people who are good in front of the camera have practiced, know the angles that work for them and are not afraid to take risks.
These are things that I want to focus on improving now, because I’ve realised that good modelling is so much more than just frolicking in front of a camera. One more thing I want to work on is being able to receive the brief or the ‘story’ that you need to tell 15 minutes before you have to tell it. As a person who has always prepared for things in time, I often don’t really grasp the brief until after the shoot is over and I have all these amazing ideas for what I could have done! You’ve got to be good on your feet and be able to adhere to the vision of the shoot without delay, and I think that is a difficult skill that comes with experience.

People generally underestimate the commitment involved in modelling. I love talking to girls like you, who constantly challenge shallow perceptions of models.
What inspires you?
People who are focused, who know what they want and who go for it. I’m pretty focused when I know what I want but it’s just a question of figuring out what that is!
My amazing sisters: one’s in Med school and one is doing her first year of internship as a Doctor. Their intelligence and hard work inspired me all the way through schooling.
People who put their friends first, despite their own personal desires and ambitions.
People who have taken their fame and used it to feed good causes also inspire me. For example Emma Watson… My beliefs pretty much align with hers and I’m so glad she’s putting them out there.

I love your first focus inspiration, so true.
Ok, time for some quirky questions, you ready?
If I could be best friends with any model it would be . . .  
. . . probably Cara Delevingne. She seems really unconventional and free spirited.

Something that most people don’t know about models is that we . . .
. . . have to be able to really think on our feet and be prepared for anything. We’re our own directors most of the time.

It’s my day off, I’m …
. . . running errands, writing letters, getting good food with good friends . . . or sleeping!

First word that comes to your mind when I say:

Cronut – YES
Paris – ambience 
Crocs – pool
Kitten – AHH!
Faux Fur – small doses
Kale – . . but I haven’t tried it so I guess I shouldn’t judge!
Grammys or Oscars? Oscars

Favourite food?
I can’t choose between tacos and pancakes….so maybe burritos?

What is on your “Kick back and relax” playlist?
– Shine by Felix Jaehn
– Home by the Falls
– Song for Grace by Animaux

Secret talents? 
I love to sing, play piano and violin. I also love acting, but I probably wouldn’t describe these as secret talents…probably more public passions!

Wow. You are crazy talented.
If you were guaranteed to make it big in either the modelling world, acting sphere or music industry what would you choose?
I don’t ever intend on choosing. One of the biggest hurdles I’ve had to overcome over the years, is people telling you, “you can’t do everything” and I’ve always tried to prove them wrong. But if I absolutely HAD to, I think I would choose acting. It has the catharsis that I get from music, and modelling to me is another form of acting. You have a story to tell and a character to portray. Acting is also quite analytical which I like, and I find the psychoanalysis of characters really fascinating. But I really do love them all equally!

If anyone is going to do everything, I think it will be you! I totally get where you are coming from though, acting does provide the same emotional escape as music and modelling is at the core, a form of theatre.
This final question is one of my favourites, it really gives us insight into personality and passion.
If you were given opportunity to liaise with every world leader for a day, what would you discuss and why?
I think two of our most pressing problems are poverty, and the feelings of ostracism that lead to a lot of the anger and pain in our world. I think we should look to a cultural shift away from materialism, and keep trying to rid ourselves of the divisions we have placed between cultures, religions etc. that spark the kind of acts of violence and anger we’ve been witnessing lately.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Stephanie Joy Field in 'Training Day' for Harpers Bazaar China May 2015 Issue

Stephanie Joy Field glows on patrol in 'Training Day' for Harpers Bazaar China May 2015 issue

Photographer: Shxpir
Stylist: Elle Packham
Diane Gorgievski
Make-up: Naomi McFadden

Annalise McLachlan goes Bohemian Bombshell for Temple of the Sun's 'Indian Summer' Campaign

Earth-child Annalise McLachlan stuns in Byron Bay based jewellery label Temple of the Sun's 'Indian Summer' campaign, co- starring 'Buffalo' the Horse.

Photographer: David Hauserman 
Stylist: Marisa Sidoti 
H &M: Angie Barto 

Lys Inger & Ryan Cooper for Woollongong Central AW15 Campaign

Lys Inger & Ryan Cooper star in the Woollongong Central AW15 Campaign

Catherine McNeil in 'Cuentos de Sirena' for Vogue Spain May 2015 Issue

Catherine McNeil simmers by the shore in 'Cuentos de Sirena' for Vogue Spain May 2015 issue

Photographer: Greg Kadel
Stylist: Elizabeth Sulcer
Hair: Nicolas Jurnjack
Make-Up: Mariel Barrera

Samantha Harris for Fashion Journal May 2015 Issue

Samantha Harris goes bottle blonde for the cover of Fashion Journal May 2015 issue

Photographer: Cybele Malinowski
Stylist: Monique Moynihan
Make-up: Ania Milczarczyk

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Mali Koopman for Bassike's Denim Campaign

Mali Koopman rocks a timeless look in Bassike's first denim campaign

Photography: Beau Grealy
Stylist: Mark Vassallo
Make-Up: Amanda Reardon
Hair: Alan White

Elouise Morris goes Fresh Faced for Fashion Journal Magazine Issue 145

The beautiful Elouise Morris glows for Fashion Journal Issue 145

Photographer: Eddie New
Stylist: Ella Murphy
Makeup: Kate Squires
Hair: Richi Grisillo

Nathalie Darcas for All My Friends Are Models

Nathalie Darcas sat down with the All My Friends Are Models team to talk music, relationships, social media, and much more. See below for the full interview.

Half French, Half American – my mate Nat started studying Biomedicine after school to then defer and travel for work and she hasn’t really looked back! Armed with her cheery, super sweet personality and cheeky smile she took off.

Basing herself between Sydney and Melbourne, modelling with Chadwicks and Chic she then took off to the States for work. While there last year she featured in editorials and (covers) for Marie France, Women’s health US, Shape Germany and has shot for Billabong, a handful of editorials for Cleo, Women’s fitness, Lucky Brand denim US, Cotton on body, bunch of campaigns for Lorna Jane, endless list of swimwear labels, Sports Girl, Jeans West, a contract with Windsor Smith, and the list goes on.

While not exactly shooting in the high end department, she is making a mark for herself in AUS and in the states as the quintessential Girl Next Door/Aussie beach babe.

Recently, back in Melbourne we wanted to shoot a story with some edge and grunge, using natural light and a garage.

What’s your background? Where did you grow up?

My dad is French and mum is American. As a result I was born in Connecticut, USA. I lived there for a couple of years before moving to a suburb outside of Paris until I was about ten years old for dad’s work. We then somehow ended up in Melbourne where my family has lived ever since. A little bit confusing but so fun having lived in all of these different places! As a result of it all I can say I speak fluent French.

You seem to shoot for a lot of swimwear and sports labels. What’s that like? Are you naturally quite fit and healthy?

I love it!! I grew up being outdoors all the time, hiking, swimming in lakes, bike riding around our neighborhood in France. I love being active and have recently started studying a nutritional medicine degree part time online. Shooting for labels and magazines that embody this sort of lifestyle means I get to shoot in some really beautiful locations too with some pretty awesome clients.

Where has modeling taken you?

When I first got to LA last year, I was lucky enough to be taken by women’s health to this incredible ranch up in Topanga. It was this simple, rustic cabin overlooking these amazing hills and the interior was incredible. They had their own little outdoor shower over looking the hills and everything! That and going to the Gili Islands for a week last year with Cleo and Billabong in the midst of living in New York with no beach in sight. It felt amazing! Oh, and I recently went to Wanaka in New Zealand for a shoot too… that was pretty cool!!

What’s your favorite aspect of the job?

It has to be the travelling. The nature of the job has allowed me to live for months at a time in so many incredible different cities. As long as I am working well… you really can stick around for as long as you please… or until you feel you need to move on. It is all very transient, but to a certain extend there is a lot of flexibility.

What do you struggle with the most?

Ahhh… It’s always changing! For one, constantly moving around and basing yourself in different places for work can be really challenging and daunting at first but ultimately so beneficial as you really get to know yourself…and you become super independent. The work itself is also so sporadic. You can go from one crazy busy week to one that is completely dead. It can be hard to factor and plan the rest of your life around that. I constantly tend to feel a little all over the place due to the lack of routine in my life. On the flip side, that very aspect can actually be quite fun and exciting, as you never know what might be around the corner.

Does if ever affect your relationships?

Absolutely. You have to put in a lot more effort when you are away from friends and family. It can also be quite hard if you start seeing someone… Unless I’m back in Melbourne I’m probably not sticking around for more than 6 months, which can pose a bit of a problem if you start to really like them! But hey, I’ve found you bounce back pretty damn quickly from that sort of thing once you get to a new place and life starts to get busy again.

Where is your favourite city in the world?

Probably Paris… I am completely I love with the architecture and language…nat darcas bike bralette

Where do you call home?


What are your thoughts around social media?

For so long I was so resistant towards it. I also felt quite frustrated and frankly pissed off at the way it seemed to be completely changing the dynamic and nature of the industry. What if I wanted to keep my personal life private, and my down time chilling out and enjoying the moment rather than always being on the lookout for a cool Instagram opportunity? Over time I have slowly come around to it though. I do realize it’s a great way to get yourself out there and get on the radar of potential clients. People want to see what your up to and what your about. I guess it’s just one of those things that’s going to take a bit of getting used to.

Favourite bands/ Artists at the moment?

I went and saw #1 dad’s play at the Enmore the other night. I am absolutely obsessed. That and I’m loving a bit of London grammar, the national, alt j, banks and Cold War kids…

Where is your favourite city in the world?

Probably Paris… I am completely I love with the architecture and language…

Where do you call home?


What is your most memorable modelling moment?

Probably living and working in New York for six months… we can classify that under an extremely prolonged… exciting moment.

Instagram: @natdarcas
Photographer: David Higgs
Stylist: Elaine Marshall
Hair & Make Up: Trish Sousa

Find the full shoot and interview at All My Friends Are Models

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Monday, April 20, 2015

by Amy Finlayson

With the onset of her next major exhibition, our AmyFinlayson speaks exclusively to us about the next phase of her career and offers CHIC readers an exclusive 'ORGANICA' offer not to be missed...

During her 6 years in New York, Amy seized the opportunity of being in one of the world’s greatest creative centers by immersing herself in the art world. Working at some of the best and most reputable galleries and art companies in the city, she was surrounded by constant inspiration and opportunity, which led to her developing her own artistic practice. 

With her love of art ignited, it was a natural progression to solidify this career with a formal education. She now holds a Bachelor of Arts from Curtin University of Technology, majoring in Visual Culture.

Her early work in the art world sees her influences rooted strongly in contemporary, boundary pushing mixed media. The evolution of her work is fueled not only by her knowledge and vast travels, but also by personal emotion and experience, culminating in a form of self-expression through multimedia and image manipulation. With both knowledge and inspiration, her work has many forms that aren’t bound by convention and standard industry aesthetics.

Which leads us to 'ORGANICA'....


 "For me (Organica), is a natural transformation. This transformation happens both to the images, through a kind of self- appropriation, and in my own life as I start to move onto new chapters. 
This is the blossoming, fluid, organic way of life-moving and changing- not always beautiful but certainly intriguing”.

Amy is pleased to announce a exclusive offer for Chic readers...
  When you purchase one of the last remaining original ORGANICA pieces, you will receive a limited edition ORGANICA print of your choice at no extra cost.
 Please mention this article at time of sale.
All sales can be made via the website: or via email at (Offer valid till the end of April only)

So, what's next for our Amy?... the answer to that question is "TEN.

Her next exhibition to hit Sydney presented by her new company The Fin Collection. 

TEN will feature a selection of small works by 10 of Australia's freshest and most exciting up and coming artists, such as Rose Ashton, Brooklyn Wheelan, Tanya Linney and Gemma Ward... One not to be missed.

Watch this space as Amy Finlayson dominates the Sydney art scene... we're too excited to watch everyone fall in love...